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Symplectic and low-dimensional topology
A Morse A_∞-model for the higher-dimensional Heegaard Floer homology of cotangent fibers
with K. Honda, Y. Tian and T. Yuan (in preparation) -
Heegaard Floer Symplectic homology and Viterbo's isomorphism theorem in the context of multiple particles with T. Yuan [arXiv]
Combinatorial proof of Maslov index formula in Heegaard Floer Theory
Algebraic & Geometric Topology (2024), [arXiv]
Earlier research on toric topology
Dolbeault cohomology of complex manifolds with torus action with T. Panov
V. A. Rokhlin-Memorial. Topology, Geometry, and Dynamics V. A. Rokhlin-Memorial, Contemp. Math., 772 (2021). [arXiv] -
Basic Cohomology of Complex Moment-Angle Manifolds with H. Ishida and T. Panov
International Mathematics Research Notices (2020) [arXiv]
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